Tuesday, November 20, 2012

GoPro's mounting system on ANY camera

I found this FANTASTIC video on Youtube...


If you do this, do it at your own risk. Please read the WARNING disclaimer on the video's description.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Movie Poster?

I found this amazing article about the 'anatomy of a movie poster'. The best information was written by the author. I can only add you should consider to start working on your movie poster in pre-production. Six months in advance or if you wish even more. You do not have your Actors nor your locations? A large amount of 'Hollywood' movies start by making 'concept' posters for promotional purposes. And after the production time is done (main photography), they develop new posters in post production. And they usually end up selling both posters to the public (and generate even more revenue).

Wanna shoot your next movie? Consider starting with its first poster...

Patient's Movie Poster

Update of 11/20/2012:

Thanks to buddy filmmaker Owen Mulligan, here's another AMAZING article about making your movie poster:


Thank you Owen for the hint!!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

A Trillion Frames per second & Optical Illusions show us how we see

Good evening folks!

I believe this post is pertinent to both WANNABEn Filmmaker and WANNABEn Photographer, so I will post this on both places.


In the last two week I've found these 2 amazing videos about Femto Photography and how Optical Illusions show how we see.

Wanna learn more about a super hyper theta mega tera slow motion camera? Imagine a trillion frames per second:


Wanna learn how optical illusions show how we see?


You have a few illusion exercises you can do, but a quick one that is simple and cool, is the one with the red and green squares and the desert scene.

Enjoy the beginning of the week!!

Ben ^_^

Sunday, July 22, 2012

All About Time Lapse

Gathering information about this beautiful technique of time lapse, I found all these links to different sites with plenty of info on how to time lapse with a DSLR or a video camera:












I don't want to go over each link, but if you are truly interested on time lapse; you will find all (or most) of what you need at these sites! (Almost) guaranteed! ;)

Ben ^_^

Copter Kids

I am sure some of you have seen their work and I am sure some of you have not (lol!), but if you are in the second group check out the amazing work these 2 guys do in the filmmaking universe. Another proof filmmaking is ONLY about teamwork.
Stunning, remarkable stuff well worth to watch and share!!


Copter Kid's Website

Here's one of their newest videos trying out the new super slo mo Sony FS700


The shot at 1:23 is one of the best actions shots I have ever seen. Definitely a money shot!!

Until next time, have a great weekend you all ;)

Ben ^_^

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Lighting Techniques from Eve Hazelton

Good evening everyone ;)

Looping around Mr. Philip Bloom's website, I found these really charismatic and essential lighting tutorials made by Eve Hazelton. She is very easy to understand and goes straight to the point. Check'em out, but remember always safety first. If you have no clue about what you are doing, please seek professional assistance!!

Lighting Techniques from Eve Hazelton


DSLR Lighting Techniques from Eve Hazelton from Realm Pictures on Vimeo.

Lighting Techniques 2 from Eve Hazelton


Lighting Techniques 2 - Eve Hazelton from Realm Pictures on Vimeo.

Complete Greenscreen with Eve Hazelton


Complete Greenscreen with Eve Hazelton from Realm Pictures on Vimeo.

You all have an excellent week!!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Top Ten Microbudget Tips (Article by Chris Jones)

Another amazing article and video recommended by Director Owen Mulligan. Amazing the movie you can produce and make with less that a 1000 bucks!!

Top Ten Microbudget Tips: With a crew of 2 and budget of £500… what can be achieved? Jaw dropping work…

Thursday, May 24, 2012

You Cannot Rely On Film Festivals To Distribute Your Film

Amazing video by Jon Reiss about film festivals and the expectations and hopes some or most new Filmmakers have about distribution.

Check it out, it is well worth your time if you are a new or newer Filmmaker...


See ya!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Best Camera Trick Ever!

Just a super cool trick for us indie filmmakers with little to no budget. Panning with a rubber band!

Only 1 minute and 8 seconds of your time ;)


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Festival Circuit: Dark Side, Rejections and Lessons Learned

My very good buddy Director / Filmmaker Owen Mulligan gave me a warning when I told him I was about to send my movie to film festivals. He recommended me these 2 wonderful and very insightful articles:

The Dark Side of Film Festivals

What I learned from the festival circuit

Which I highly recommend you guys to read. In his article, Todd Miro recommends some resources that worked for him. Owen also recommends a few interesting ones as well. I summed up my favorites from their articles, but please read them both to have a better understanding on why those resources can make a big difference for yourself and your movie:

Short Film Central: http://www.shortfilmcentral.com/

Maverick Movie Awards: http://www.maverickmovieawards.com/

Tromdance: http://www.tromadance.com/

Dragon Con Independent Film Festival: http://filmfest.dragoncon.org/

Official Rejection (Documentary): http://www.officialrejectiondocumentary.com/
Official Rejection - Full Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuPO5xm_Iws
Official Rejection at Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Official-Rejection-Collection-Edition/dp/B002Q0WYPG/ref=sr_1_2?s=movies-tv&ie=UTF8&qid=1333432308&sr=1-2

That is all for now folks, and I will keep moving forward discovering this new (to me) world of 'Festival Circuit'.


Sunday, April 1, 2012

Festival Circuit: Secrets and Tips

My very first short movie called 'Patients' is fully edited and festival ready. After my first attempt to get into the festival circuit, I've got a very expected 'rejection' from Paris (Cannes). Now, I am ready to ship it out again and researching to doing so, here's what my workflow has been.

I opened an account at withoutabox (owned by IMdb), and did a search on festivals that are currently open. Unable to determine which festivals are best for my film, I googled around and found this very cool site called www.filmfestivalsecrets.com where they offer the first 2 chapters of their book (Film Festival Secrets) downloadable for free. Super cool and extremely informative information. That book lead me to Indiewire where they have a nice list of the most 'relevant' film festivals at www.indiewire.com/festivals

If you also open a free account with IMdb, you can upload your movie to make it submittable for (some) festivals through withoutabox. There is a fee for most festivals, but if you want to know more about the whole process; please visit withoutabox a read their guidelines and rules.


That's my update on the Film Festival Circuit, which is what I am learning about at the moment.

Have a great week guys!!